Whole 30 Convenience

WHOLE 30 | Thirty days done and not ready for it to be over! We’re both feeling really good, are making strides in losing weight and inches, and are seeing better performance at CrossFit and honestly, in life.


I love my convenience foods (mostly bars) for my on-the-go days. It’s really hard for me to sit down to a breakfast (I’m a bit better at lunch). Totally get this goes against the Whole 30 mindset, but can’t beat the grab-and-go for when I’m literally grabbing and going with the kids, work, CrossFit, etc.

I was asked by Reviews.com to share their protein bar reviews. I didn’t agree with the list at all. While I honestly haven’t tried any of the bars in the list, my first impression is it’s a list of options chock full of processed, nutty, sugary options; I didn’t see this as the best resource. Reviews.com did eliminate bars that didn’t have 10G or more of protein. So they took a stand in their reviews with an emphasis on protein, and some other factors they list. I respect the stand … just not the results.

We have some of our own favorites – a few of which are Whole 30 approved – but we base our selections on total ingredients (not just protein). *None of the following content is sponsored – just my personal opinion.*

LARBARS – Gluten free * Dairy free * Soy free * Non GMO * Vegan * Kosher. I don’t feel guilty sharing with the kids and I definitely sneak ’em so I can savor all the yumminess. My favorite is cherry pie – dates, almonds, and unsweetened cherries make up this little bad boy. Sooo tasty! And extra good right out of the refrigerator. Not a ton of protein (5G), but it’s definitely filling and hits the sweet tooth cravings. Best price has been from Sprouts at $1/each.

Rx Bars – Chad bought a sample box for us at the start of our Whole 30. Touted as “No B.S.” with the ingredients listed right on the front. We didn’t have the ones with peanuts (because duh, legumes), but the others were tasty. Again a great sweet tooth and on-the-go Whole 30 option. {If you want to try one – get the MINT one – like a Thin Mint but SO MUCH BETTER!} We bought the sample pack for $25 from the website.

Our entire family favors the San Diego-based, family business of Perfect Bars. These are NOT Whole 30 approved, but most bars are paleo (again, not the peanut butter ones!). The most cost-effective way to purchase is at Costco. $20/box for 12 bars and Costco seems to have them on sale about every quarter. Sometimes Sprouts will have them on sale, too. Perfect Bars have no preservatives, so you’ll find them in the refrigerated sections. The bars range in protein – 9 to 17 grams – and I’m definitely full and energized after having one.

What’s your favorite bar to grab and go with? Have you tried any on the Reviews.com list? Share your thoughts!