You’re a Manimal!

Earlier this summer, Manimal asked if I’d be interested in testing out some of their wrist wraps. Not going to lie, I’m a sucker for anything red, white and blue, so I happily accepted the free wraps.

So in exchange for {this} review, I got a cool package with a Manimal t-shirt, some stickers, and wrist wraps. It appears that when you place an order for wraps, you get the shirt and stickers as a bonus – pretty smart marketing!

In addition to the packaging and bonus items, I was pleasantly surprised by the sturdiness and legitimacy of the wraps. I have received other {flimsy} wraps as chum from events – and there’s no support in these. For years, I have worn my Rogue wraps for most of my lifts to provide extra support and stability.

With nursing and baby carrying, my right side, especially my right wrist and elbow are tender and tweaked {the DUDE is heavy!}; so it’s required me to modify some of my movements to the point that I’m wearing the wraps outside of Olympic lifting. And since I received the Manimal wraps arrived around the time of the pain increasing, the Manimal wraps are what I’ve been wearing.

Getting back into heavy deadlifts, thanks to Manimals!

Here’s what I think:

The Old Glory’s are providing GLORY. I have less discomfort and I’m able to increase the weight steadily and strategically. They are firm and embrace my wrists so I can endure more. Love the colors {duh} and the ability to tighten to my needed stability and support. And the big bonus of Old Glory’s is the philanthropic piece:

MANIMAL donates 20% of the proceeds from Old Glory Wrist Wraps sales to the Boys and Girls Club of America. An organization that promotes and enhances the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence.

So, I might sport these outside Chuckwalla, too! Lots of baby carrying WODs these days!

So, if you’re in the market for wraps, I strongly recommend Manimal’s – particularly the Old Glory’s. Thanks for the chance to try the wraps and share my experience, Manimals!


Cute shirt to boot!