Terms of Use


All content and images are owned by crossfitandpregnant.com unless otherwise stated.

Images and content may not be downloaded, manipulated, re-purposed, or reproduced without written consent from meghan leatherman at crossfitandpregnant.com. Commercial or private use without explicit written consent is punishable through U.S. and worldwide copyright laws.

2 thoughts on “Terms of Use

  1. Question;
    With my first pregnancy I followed this Crossfit Moms website that posted daily workouts for mothers pre and post pregnancy. I heard they had to quit due to issues with the Crossfit name, I was wondering if you knew of a new website or the website to follow as I am now expecting my second and really enjoyed getting workout ideas!
    Thanks in advance for the help!
    Halley Henn


    • Hi Halley, I don’t know of other sites – didn’t even know CrossFitMoms.com was no longer active {such a shame!}. I think doing CrossFit.com WODs and scaling to your ability is a great option or if you belong to a box, following that programming. What’s great about CrossFit is the open approach to programming. So many affiliates publicly post WODs, so you can experiment and scale as you see fit.


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